Friday, September 16, 2016

Cathy Doll White Milk Shine Body Care

Hello you all! I am really excited to share this series of body care series from Cathy Doll.
A little about me, I love love loveeee Strawberry Milk. 
And when I realised that they actually had this Strawberry Milk infused Bodycare Series from Cathydoll, I was looking forward to review this! 
How awesome would it be to do a strawberry milkbath? (*inserts happy face*)
 I have received the Body Shower Mousse & Body Lotion respectively!
Let's talk about the Body Mousse first!
 Cathy Doll White Milk Shine Body Shower Mousse(350ml) $15.00

Apart from the smell (which is omg wonderful), this body mousse foams up very well! Look at how well it stuck onto my hand upside down!

This is a wonderful body mousse to use, which is a cool alternative to our usual body wash. Usage of mousse is slightly lighter and maybe better for people who has sensitive skin. Additionally, the white Strawberries has properties that brightens and whitens the skin! SO, it is not just for show or gimmicky. It is a shower mousse which allows you to smell good, and look good when you step out of the bathroom (:

Next! After showering, what do you think is required? Let us move on the the body lotion shall we?
 Cathy Doll White Milk Shine Body Lotion (450ml) $15.00

It is good to put on body lotion after a shower as the pores may be open. The lotion penetrates into the skin and helps to nourish the body. && obviously from the smell (which is slightly like dutch lady milk , strawberry flavoured) it is leaves you feeling sweet smelling and fresh. It is a leave on body lotion so you do not need to wash it off. This product is also recommended for people with dry skin, so that the milk component helps to moisturize the skin.

So , you heard so much about brightening, and whitening.
Let us put it to a test!
 Application on my right hand!
And tadah the difference!
Based on a 1 application, it is definitely not a very dramatic tan & fair difference (as most pictures shows).
However, I do note that my left side veins look more obvious compared to the right.
And also, the right side does look brighter
Therefore, I think through a longer duration of usage, the results will be more prominent (:

So if you are interested! You can pop by their website at and do check out their latest promotions on their Facebook & Instagram (@karmartsclubsingapore)!

Signing off,