Monday, January 17, 2011

Xmas Party in Temasek Poly

(still had longer hair back den)

I went back to skl someday for a xmas party.
I was late because i went to collect the nuffnang cheque of 50bucks :D 

After collecting, I went to take bus to school.
Met up with aravind and we both took bus together from Boonkeng.
&& we arrived into the room with cute decos & lotsa goodd fooood (YUMS)

Display stuffs lol

Hammmm to eat :3

I love those frosty sprays on the window, gives the fake snow feel HAHAHA (:

The badly tormented turkey.

Pro hor, i late for 1-2hrs, they make the turkey look like strawberry icecream HAHAHAH ;x

Cute christmas treeee (:

Shepperd's Pie, I LIKEEE (:

Soft bread pudding, got more pic later on 

 Placed our presents underneath the treee (:
 Shepperd's pie & carbonara(i dun like peas)
 The girls eatinggg (:
 Soft bread pudding, i love this alot.!

Got pudding & some raisins.
I drenched it with some white thick sauce, some milky cinnamon sauce that taste awesome.
Didnt noe cinnamon tastes that good.
It really melts in ur mouth + the crunchy bits complements it!

Then our careperson suggested playing some games to spice up the day.
We played some bending fingers game (korean idols most played game), 
like fold a finger if whatever said applies to you.
&& we had a mini fashion show HAHAHHA .
We made those 'clothes' out of paper like material

The models :D 
Its obvious who won right? HAHAHHAH

Its yongsheng, donned in red bikini & pink skirt.
Design inspired by RIS-LOW LOOOOL.
Steven(extreme right) was really funny also, like some turban guy wif fake boobs LOL

Last but not least i got my christmas present from...


Thanks! :D

Signing off 

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