Friday, November 14, 2008

graduation day pt 1

Last time seeing this :/

last time entering the gate

delise,tionglin,kachee ,mi (:

peiyu and mi ( ;

Me and kymm polaroid pic (:
charlton,tionglin,kachee,junjie,mi,jeewang :D
the girls are pearlyn,delise kymm (rite to left )

Last day of skl and i watched hsm3, their grad day
It was very emotional to watch it lor.
our grad day sucked, until we camwhored alot.
Even guys camwhored.
It was a touching scene to see.

'Take pic leh take pic leh !'

Ppl took pics til dey sweat ;/
When friendster gets better, i gonna post the other half of the lost pictures.
And hsm3 rocks ( ;
expect the ang mo kids were very hyper and danced to the beat...
they even said:

'Mom isnt here, lets dance for now on the chair'

they blocked my view lah...
At the ending song, they ran to the front and danced wif dem
One even did a front flip!
Ang mohs are super active ;/

After watching the movie i went on the bus alone.
Staring at the road, memories flashed past my brain.
I realised i started to miss my frens aledi.
Especially my table partners for 4 yrs.
Especially muggin together wif frens
Especially smugglin food back to class.
My heart wrenched and it was an involuntary response, to cry.
It couldnt stop and i tink i scared the passenger siting beside mi :/

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