Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lab Experiments

Cosfest Day 2 post aside, lets get Planty :x
Since my Cosfest Day 2 pics also kinda green, lets get u all to get used of plants ;3

The following pics are pictures taken from the PCT lab with my phone cam :D
PTC = Plant Tissue Culture (:
PCT= Plant Cell Technology :x
Im quite amazed that plants can grow out of any part of the plant lor.
Etc, stem,leaves,axiliary, root, seed ;o
Of course with the appropriate artificial medium and sterile conditions (:

Centrifuge tube :3
My dragonfruit seeds that grew!
I felt like they were my babies,(fyi still growing dem at home (: )
Rose not needed so i took a nice pic! (my camera's macro is still awesome! )
Rose stalk after growing for 3 weeks, not much growth or no growth .

 Cos sterilised too much, plants cells are dead !
Forming the brown materials as they produce phenolic compounds :O

Some purple cabbage ;x
Leaf of a plant :3
Carrot callus initiating, shaking for 10-15 mins with clorox!
My result , a lil callus forming only
Model callus culture :3
I has got purple hair! :D

Joking lah, theres a panel of purple 'cover' dat causes light to come in as purplish :D

Candid picture of ppl fooling around :x Aravind, Shen, Corey (left-right)
Me & Aravind, whose eyes are partially closed ;x

&& Plant cultures are really easily contaminated!
We work in this place called the laminar flow hood which blows sterile air!
Lots of knowledge to grow plants ehh?
An example of contamination which is irreversible,

Unwanted Growth of Fungi/Microbes! (by rasyidah ;x)

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