Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We have been together for 9 months, unknowingly.
I have showered you with care and love,
braved hot & cold , rain & thunder for you...
But i think its time for me to let you go.
I will miss you, but i think this is the best decision for us.
Please dont look at me differently.







Okay i think i am a little too dramatic, hahahah!
Im just gonna get my hair cut tomorrow, but i will cut like 2-3 inches this time!
Especially my back, no more tails from 2 sides, just normal guy's hair LOL.
So screw u if u still cant see the difference.

Hair i had when i was only 17 (OMG like last year only tsktsk)

Thats why i dont like shorthair, fml ):
&& i had partial bangs then, coolioxz hahah.

Current hair length! 

Need to show off last time's extension's length also.

Okay u all must be mortified by how much different i look in a year.
&& no i didnt go for plastic surgery hahah. ( no money pleaseeee)
No wonder so many old frens get a shock when i tell them that im SHUNAN LOL.
Aiya the power of coloured lense + Long hair hahhahaah!

U all know i love my  hair alot right, but i think its time for a cut.
YES, after 9.. nono 10 months of self maintanence( impressive right? haha
I probably need to rebond some parts cos i have been tonging my hair straight everyday, for like 3 months?
My hair Q-ed ever since july or august i cant remember.
Tong-ed too much and hair become dry & frizzy now
Then i always spam conditioner, mask & leave ons, im tired of this already.(jus get straight hair dammit!)

I shall make a vain confession that i take close to 1 hour to make my hair before i go to skl everyday!
Thats like mad because skl is at Tampines, i live near harbourfront & journey is ard 1 hr 15mins
Imagine lesson is at 9am & i wake up at 630?, jus to do my hair :/

See that time got shorter hair + rebonded silky straight part mad awesome and nice.

That is 1 of the reason why i put it as  my twitter dp haha.
Fear not, i know whats good for myself, to me cutting 2-3 inches is alot.
I wont be shaving botak for goodness sake.( thats in another 1& a half yr's time :/)
Its jus a new hairstyle which im gonna try.
I will keep my sideburns as i need it to cover my fat face & large jawbone ):

But im gonna try something similar to JaeJoong's hairstyle, with alteration to my own needs of course (:

I really hope it doesnt turn out shitty & please dont laugh at my flat hair hahaha.
Realised that I always do rebonds near christmas & have flat hair during countdowns, mehhhh :/
So the next time u see me i would look different already, hopefully :3

&& no, my exams are not over, last paper is on thursday but, oh well HAHA.


Anonymous said...

I hadn't noticed onecompiledpiece.blogspot.com before in my searches!
I’m glad to have visited your blog and good to know you! I find it interesting and informative.

Kazue (Shun An) said...

Really? Im super touched please, hahha. Please visit more often <3

Kaffy said...

Hey! just a random question! i was wondering what type of contacts were ur brown ones? :O <3
they are so nice! i want a pair :3

Kazue (Shun An) said...

Yea i use Geo tear lense (brown)
Hehe thanks alot (: